Thursday, March 29, 2007

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...

Ok, so I do know when we'll be back - it's next tuesday. I am being somewhat spontaneous and taking my little 2 year old to see his great grandmother in Cali. I am so excited and so nervous all at the same time! Me, a two year old and an international airport - nothing could go wrong.

I hope to have lots of pics and plenty of stories to share when we return, to my dear husband that we are leaving behind to slave at the grindstone - know that you will be missed every moment; during the Monterey Bay Aquarium venture, the warf and the sea otters, and the beach etc. etc. you get the picture.

Love you!


Lace said...

I keep telling you you are a John Denver fan too!!! Look at you quoting JD song lyrics!!!
You are going to have so much fun and you are going to be fine!!! Murph will love the airplane (hopefully). GOOD LUCK!

Unknown said...

Oh I am SO jealous. Enjoy the flight, and if it gets rough, think you could always be driving!? ;) Have the best time ever! I love Cali! We'll miss both of you!

Trinbean said...

I will miss you!!!! Everything will be just fine!!!